Thank you for undertaking a food intolerance test. You have now taken your first step on the road to better health.
The test you have taken may have revealed multiple food sensitivities. I have provided you with a list of potentially harmful foods and drink that may be responsible for causing your health problems. By eliminating these suspect foods from your diet for a period of one month, followed by their sensible re-introduction, you will be able to see if your body is able to safely tolerate them.
How do I start?
There are two main ways of tackling the problems, the first involves removing all offending foods in one fell swoop and then waiting a month before reintroducing them. The second method is more suitable where there are multiple sensitivities that require the gradual reduction and elimination of suspect foods from the diet. This is usually done by cutting out 2 or more offending foods each week, ensuring that each food is removed for a minimum of one month. There are lots of resources available online, one of the sites I would recommend for further information, fact sheets and a diary for completion to support your identification and elimination diet is:
Food problems sometimes result from the poor elimination of waste products from the body which can then affect the assimilation of vital nutrients required for health. These problems can benefit from an elimination diet, which will aid the cleansing of toxins and undigested food particles from the body. When following an elimination diet, it is extremely important that adequate amounts of clean fresh-water (between 4 to 5 pints) be consumed every day. Tea, coffee or other soft drinks do not form part of this fluid intake.
For the first few days, your body will go through all sorts of changes, you may experience symptoms such as headaches, achiness, tiredness, or loose bowels. This is just a sign that your body is eliminating toxins. Simply increase your water intake and your symptoms should subside.
If you do experience symptoms and are taking any supplements, leave off the supplements for a few days. Whilst your body is going through these changes the supplements will encourage rapid detoxification and may make some individuals feel uncomfortable. If you do experience problems, eating plenty of short grain brown rice supports elimination via the colon as it acts like blotting paper and will help reduce the healing process. Secondly, taking one dessert spoon of linseeds (you can purchase these from health stores such as Holland and Barrett) soaked in a small amount of water (for a minimum of four hours) swallowed twice daily will also aid the elimination process.
If in doubt, leave it out
If you know or suspect that your body has a problem with a particular food, listen to your body and stay off it. While our testing machine has an accuracy of 75 to 80% your body has an accuracy rate of 100%! Listen to your body!
If you have a known true allergy such as peanuts or shellfish, you should ensure that you do not eliminate and reintroduce without STRICT guidance and supervision of a medical practitioner (Doctor). Allergies and intolerances are different and I am not a medical professional.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies go hand in hand with food intolerance due to an impaired digestives system. The test that you’ve received provides you with a guide of your vitamin and mineral status. It does not, however, form an accurate comprehensive test as this would have to be carried out with blood over a number of days. I can, however, if required advise you on appropriate supplements which may be helpful for your condition.
There are many educational books you can purchase for more information on vitamins and minerals. I would recommend as a starting point the NHS website:
How do you feel/Reintroduce?
Clients who are approaching the end of their elimination programme will often feel better than they have done for years. Some, therefore, decide not to reintroduce the offending foods back into their diet. If you have a deep health problem, you may need further advice from a health care professional.
After a month’s elimination, you can re-introduce the offending foods, the foods must be reintroduced with a gap of four days between introductions, to ensure there is no reaction before continuing to eat it. If there is an adverse reaction this is your body’s way of telling you, you cannot tolerate this food. It, therefore, needs to be left out of your diet.
Most people respond to a four-week elimination programme, although some may require longer. Not all symptoms are down to food intolerances.
I must point out that I cannot accept any liability for any action you may take as a result of this test and the information provided. I am unable to guarantee that following this safe, simple self-help programme will ensure that your symptoms will be eradicated from your body. If your symptoms continue or worsen I would advise you to seek help from a medical professional.